Play any Online Slot Machine, Anywhere, with Skrill

After hours of scanning through the countless options available, you’ve finally decided to sign up for an account at an online casino that seems just right for you. You eagerly get to create your account, quickly dropping in your email address and personal details and just as the excitement of playing your first game reaches its climax, you encounter a disappointment all too familiar to South African gamers. Your preferred payment method is not available. The good news is, this doesn’t have to be the end of your online gaming dreams. When it comes to playing your favourite slots online, Skrill provides a simple, fast and easy-to-use payment solution. In this article, we’ll take a look at:

  • What Skrill is and how it benefits players in SA
  • How to create an account so you can get to playing your favourite slots games
  • Why if you want to play an online slot machine, Skrill is your best payment option

Gamers being unable to play at their favourite online casino due to payment issues is certainly not limited to South Africa. Players outside of larger, more developed countries also have to deal with this problem and, because it was becoming such an issue, savvy entrepreneurs came up with a clever way to allow quick, safe and entirely legal payments, from anywhere in the world. The one we’re looking at in this article is so simple and reliable that players often actively seek out Skrill online slots, to ensure that they won’t have to deal with any frustrating payment issues.

Top 5 casinos online

What is Skrill?

Before we get started, let’s clear something up. If you input something like “Moneybookers slots online” into Google, you’ll likely be directed to This isn’t a mistake. Moneybookers was rebranded in 2024 and is now known as Skrill. It still offers the same, secure, reliable platform, just under a different name. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s take a look at what exactly the service is and how it allows South African players to play their favourite games online. It’s one of the top services that allows payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet, with a focus on low-cost international money transfers.

As such, it’s currently the preferred way for gamers in South Africa to play slots games that don’t support local payment methods, or for players who are prohibited from making international payments by their banking institutions. The easiest way to explain the service is to imagine something like a pre-paid credit card. You load funds into the system and then use the money to make payments wherever you need to.

Signing up is easy!

If you’re ready to start playing the best slots online, Skrill remains the foremost choice for countless players in South Africa. The process is simple and can be completed in just a few minutes. Head on over to the website and click on “sign up”. You’ll be asked to input some of your personal details like your address and contact details. Don’t worry about this step, the service is well known for its exceptional security protocols and has continued to grow thanks largely to its highly sophisticated user and data protection systems. It’s just one of the reasons why so many players specifically look for Skrill online slots.

Once you’ve entered your details, an email will be sent to your address, with a confirmation link that will allow you to start using your account. You’ll be prompted to select a currency to use for slot machine deposits. This is your home currency and cannot be changed after it has been selected, so take care during that step. At this point, you’re one step away from having full access to your favourite online casino, slot machine! The link in your email will direct you to your fully functional account. You’ll need to choose a currency that you’ll use to deposit in slots online for Skrill

The next step should be to add your bank details, so that you can get playing. Simply click on “Cards and Bank Accounts” and follow the prompts to add a payment method. Congratulations! With your new account at Skrill, slots online are open to you in SA. One of the best aspects of using a service like this, is the sheer number of sites that support it. No casino online would want to allow potential to players to pass by due to being unable to pay. As such, casinos make it as easy as possible to make payments and that’s why so many of them offer simple, global payment alternatives like this.

Ready to get started?

Once you’ve activated and loaded credit into your account, remember that we’ve found all the best Skrill online slot machines for you, so you don’t have to waste time sifting through them all. Regardless of which banking institution or plan you use, you’ll never be short of online gaming options again. You’ll soon see why we endorse this service wholeheartedly and why it has become one of the top payment platforms in the world of online gaming. With your favourite online slot machine, Skrill and a glass of fine wine, you’ve got everything you need for an evening of gaming.

So set up your SA casino online account now and you’ll soon see that with Skrill, online slots suddenly get a whole lot more exciting.